Faeces in a sentence as a noun

> the US doesn't have young girls whose job it it to collect other peoples faeces with their bare hands [1].

Yes sir visit any train station in India and you will see fresh human faeces on the tracks.

Without washing nor removing the occasional small amounts of dried up faeces on them.

And if faeces were getting into the water supply, there'd be a bigger news story here than this incident.

No troubles with faeces, the best place to swim effortless, and the best water quality than a beluga can dream with.

While I don't know about Chinese, in Japanese means 'large' and can be read as 'faeces'.So perhaps the name for Debian in Chinese is actually "big poo".

Did anyone else looking at the front page of HN jump to the conclusion that if this strain or similar of E. coli could be developed to live of human faeces India could become a future bio-fuel giant

One nice example of this that I like is that you can find infants happily playing in faeces without being disgusted by it, it doesn't bother them the sligthest.

But recent experiments have shown it can be eliminated by introducing, as an enema, the faeces of a healthy individual.

To study first the access to clean water and a way to avoid faeces spreading all around your clinic area and contaminating hundreds of wounded people is not corruption at all.

In the absence of small children and pets, and the taking of a prophylactic dose of antibiotics daily, my main concern is whether the people I share work and living space with are spreading their own faeces over surfaces I interact with.

Poor you... Seriously there's no competition in my mind: freeagent compared to that spreadsheet is like being fed ferrero rocher by Angelina Jolie at the ambassadors ball verses having faeces flung at you by drunk chimps at the zoo!

Not cysticercosisNormal lifecycle: Pork eats tape worm eggs -> the pork gets cysticercosis -> Humans eat pork meat -> humans get tape worm -> worm releases eggs in human faeces -> back to step oneCysticercosis happens when the human plays the role of the pork

Mindblowing:you breath in a bottle and bees detect if you're sick or what stage of fertility cycle are you indogs that, literally, breath for youin-vitro meat"leather" jacket grown in vitrothe diagnosis of diseases be associated with the colour of faecesSynthetic Immune System

Faeces definitions


solid excretory product evacuated from the bowels

See also: feces stool ordure dejection