Eyelash in a sentence as a noun

They don't care about the shell, it's like an eyelash of the giant.

It can really take quite a beating without even batting an eyelash as I've seen.

"If this had been written by The Onion, and not Joyent, I wouldn't have batted an eyelash.

Nobody would beat an eyelash at a transestite or a drag queen.

But there are plenty of parents who wouldn't bat an eyelash if their own child ingested a magnet.

$2,000 Macbook, $800 chair, no one bats an eyelash.$2,800 to learn the skills that justify the Macbook and chair, and it's offensive.

For the universe, the span of your life should have been not even the fluttering of an eyelash before a blink.

No, there are better ways to get yourselves a slave and a lot of startups are doing it without anyone batting an eyelash.

I wouldn't have batted an eyelash if this was a news story coming from Apple's App Store, because that's just par for the course in their ecosystem.

Serious question: why does this bother you so much?If we were talking instead about people operating their own pharmacies, or doing their own home electrical work, nobody would bat an eyelash.

Most people he was impersonating himself to probably don't know enough to find and check PGP signatures; especially since most email does not come with PGP signatures, the lack of a signature is not something that would cause anyone to bat an eyelash.

This is what amazes me about our country:We can get riled up over being told by mainstream media that we are being watched despite whistle blowers telling us so for years, incited by the same media to riot over an incident that happens every day untelevised, and not bat an eyelash when our own citizens are assassinated for the world to see by our government.

Eyelash definitions


any of the short curved hairs that grow from the edges of the eyelids

See also: lash cilium