Cilium in a sentence as a noun

An obvious example of nondeterminism is the genotype which determines mirror-body, it's caused by a defective cilium.

Some components of my production infrastructure I've used over the last year: cert-manager, concourse-ci, docker-registry, cilium, coredns, loki, grafana, prometheus, jaeger, influxdb, kubernetes, open-policy-agent; all those are Go.

Normally that cilium enforces torquoselectivity -it only rotates in one direction which establishes chiral directionality, but a certain genotype disables its rotation, so the orientation of your body is a factor of random chance based on how your cell was rotating at the single cell level.

Cilium definitions


a hairlike projection from the surface of a cell; provides locomotion in free-swimming unicellular organisms


any of the short curved hairs that grow from the edges of the eyelids

See also: eyelash lash