Extremum in a sentence as a noun

You remember how to find an extremum of a function from Cal 1?

In an essay he says something like "mathematics is actually very shabby, just have a look at the extremum principles.

Dragging universal extremum principles in doesn't yield much in biology.

For paths that are an extremum of the action, there is the least destructive interference between neighboring paths, since there is the smallest phase change between these neighboring paths.

Also if it gets too high or low then people react and quickly change the ***** of the graph, then the sugar level in the extracellular fluid would not reach the same extremum as the sugar in the blood.

Of course this extremum of the action is, not coincidentally, the classical solution, which is the result from the lagrangian formulation of classical machanics.

Extremum definitions


the point located farthest from the middle of something

See also: extreme


the most extreme possible amount or value; "voltage peak"

See also: peak