Extraverted in a sentence as an adjective

But this is as much the fault of extraverted people as it is of introverted people.

"An extraverted programmer stares at your shoes while talking to you.

If spending time in a group makes you feel dynamic and full of energy, that means you're extraverted.

In my life I've gone from extremely shy, 'introverted' and lonely to socially active and 'extraverted'.

Yet in social situations I seem like an 'extraverted' person, because when I'm with people, I like to talk quite a bit, have some social chatter, all that stuff.

Specifically since this person mentions that he's "active, extraverted [sic] and social.

How do you tell an extraverted programmer from an introverted one?An extraverted programmer stares at your shoes when talking to you.

Not only that, but all these short-form media tend to be playgrounds for the extraverted, who are more comfortable putting themselves "out there".

" She went on, "The American culture tends to favor the extraverted, but studies show that introverts have just as meaningful lives as extraverts.

[At least for me, Twitter is a way-of-the-limit too extraverted, short attention-span and distraction-full tool.

I have a **** of a time explaining this to my more extraverted friends -- many of whom "don't see it," because I'm not particularly shy or reserved in social settings.

Some teams went out drinking together twice a week, some teams were super extraverted and into video games, but many other teams were a bunch of quiet, serious introverts.

"Someone with extraverted intuition as their leading function is very dependent on his/her feelings of interest and disinterest.

> I have a **** of a time explaining this to my more extraverted \n > friends -- many of whom "don't see it," because I'm not \n > particularly shy or reserved in social settings.

I think it's an unusual setup, but being more extraverted, I feel less lonely as I can see when people are going to the lunch room, I can participate in conversations around the pool table, etc.

The only thing that sets introverted people apart from extraverted people is what they do following social interactions: introverted people look inwards to recharge while extraverts look outwards.

This could be through IRC or through Skype or whatever...However it is completely different from an "extraverted team environment" in which you're expected to be social and cheerful about all kinds of unrelated stuff.

However, I am moderately more introverted than extraverted and significantly more intuitive than sensory.

At every company, and in fact in every village, there is both a formal, extraverted, hierarchical organization, and an informal, social, graph-like organization.

Other types also find things 'interesting' and 'boring,' however, they are able to derive satisfaction and enjoyment from things that aren't necessarily interesting and novel, as opposed to extraverted intuition types.

Can one not be "introverted" when he wants to be alone, and "extraverted" when he wants company?Even more than arbitrarily defining human beings into categories that don't necessarily have a scientific basis in reality, the "introvert/extravert" paradigm is one of several that negates the concept of free will, that we, as humans, ultimately have control over our own actions.

Extraverted definitions


being concerned with the social and physical environment

See also: extrovert extravert extroverted extrovertive extravertive