Extravert in a sentence as a noun

80% of the firm were extraverts and >95% of the partners where extraverts.

But this is as much the fault of extraverted people as it is of introverted people.

If it's not what you're most comfortable with, that means you're not actually an extravert.

That said, an intravert will have to work harder at being a salesman and an extravert, at a night watchman.

A possible way to become an extravert, should one want to, is to become better at multitasking.

Its true that intraverts need more alone time to get reenergized - a situation in which extraverts would feel zapped out and very tired.

For example, a typical intravert may need speak more often while a typical extravert may have need to think before speaking.

The extravert, for instance, will choose the majority view; the introvert will reject it simply because it's fashionable.

Extravert in a sentence as an adjective

So the other lesson I learned that day, was that if you want to be in a sales-y leadership position, you better learn to behave like an extravert.

An extravert is someone who is energized by dealing with the external world, and an introvert is energized by dealing with their internal world.

Basically, the extravert A makes a correct conclusion given the limited information he/she possesses.

Introverted people are perfectly capable of dealing with others; the difference between introvert and extravert people is how they "recharge".

> Why are extraverts so threatened by anyone who won't interact with them on their terms?I act as an extravert in certain situations and as an introvert in others, so I feel qualified to answer your question.

It's a continuous distribution meaning you probably fluctuate between introvert and extravert very smoothly with most of the population within the standard deviation.

So the conditional probability that individual B is not an introvert but an extravert exhibiting exclusionary behavior is high.

Can one not be "introverted" when he wants to be alone, and "extraverted" when he wants company?Even more than arbitrarily defining human beings into categories that don't necessarily have a scientific basis in reality, the "introvert/extravert" paradigm is one of several that negates the concept of free will, that we, as humans, ultimately have control over our own actions.

Proper Noun Examples for Extravert

Extraverts don't always interact with everyone -- for example, in circles where social cliques are established, extraverts will interact with people outside of their clique less often.

Extravert definitions


(psychology) a person concerned more with practical realities than with inner thoughts and feelings

See also: extrovert


being concerned with the social and physical environment

See also: extrovert extroverted extraverted extrovertive extravertive