Extramarital in a sentence as an adjective

Rape victims can be jailed for over a year for "extramarital sex".

Just because someone else uses it to conduct an extramarital affair doesn't make the service per se immoral.

> As a society, are we rallying behind an app that helps people engage in extramarital affairs as this post suggests?

Dr. Martin \n Luther King Jr., threatening to expose his extramarital\n affairs if he did not commit *******.\n\nHoooooly ****.

As a society, are we really rallying behind an app that helps people engage in extramarital affairs as this post suggests?

What if a foreign intelligence agency knew about his extramarital affair, but no one else did.

No one here thinks that we should limit single motherhood by banning extramarital sexual relationships?

I'm pretty sure Walmart can get a pretty decent probability that I'm having an extramarital affair.

For example, the benefits in a Darwinian framework of extramarital affairs are quite well established.

For example, suppose a plaintiff's attorney discovers that the CEO of BigCorp is having an extramarital affair, but that fact isn't germane to the litigation.

Look, if he's such a disruptive guy that you want to pin the country's faults on him, wouldn't it just be easier to catch him having sex with another woman, grilling him to get him to lie, and then impeaching him about the lie about having extramarital sex?

" It does not take a homophobe to recognize how destructive such a program will be in a society already reeling from the terrible consequences of "no-fault" divorce, social tolerance of extramarital promiscuity, and failing to protect our adolescents until they can channel their sexual passions in a socially productive way.

Extramarital definitions


characterized by adultery; "an adulterous relationship"; "extramarital affairs"; "the extracurricular activities of a philandering husband"

See also: adulterous extracurricular