Externalize in a sentence as a verb

IMO this doesn't make the cut because they didn't externalize the Strings "Fizz" and "Buzz".

The large investment banks went public and externalized their risks.

But that's the point: you don't get to externalize that onto your candidates.

I've had to externalize this behavior since having children: "I don't know.

I know, I'll externalize and automate my impulse control!

Air pollution has huge externalize costs in a city because of the density.

However, this approach could externalize many such costs.

Without language, there aren't many ways to externalize a memory.

> Are we the guard dogs of US interest,That's what happens when you externalize almost all of your defense-related needs.

It is easy to disguise permission to externalize negative effects as simply permission to let the market decide.

So in the end, we internalize all the benefit within the USA, and externalize all the suffering to downtrodden nations and their children.

So you are fine subsidizing oil companies by allowing them to externalize their costs?Also shipping is starting to switch to natural gas; you may think this a good or a bad thing, but a tax on diesel would increase that.

By my measure, the most "utterly evil profit maximizing business" would prefer to externalize the costs of employment as much as possible by not paying for healthcare and paying employees as little as possible.

The lack of interest on the side of AirBnB is not very surprising: They know exactly that renting out apartments without a proper license is illegal in most parts of the world, they just don't care since they can externalize the risk to the owners of the apartments.

Long ago the corporate oligarchy decided to let the Internet tech sector grow to the extent that it has in order to externalize the cost of deploying certain infrastructure and the cost of training the populous to become dependent on that infrastructure.

I was quite shocked at how much more seriously my classmates in law school took the Honor Code than my classmates in engineering school... Now, you certainly do see lawyers lobby for laws that create more work for them, but it's kindergarten stuff compared to businesses that lobby to be allowed to externalize more of the costs of their activity onto workers in the form of workplace hazards, or banks that lobby to be allowed to take more risks with their depositors' money.

Externalize definitions


regard as objective

See also: project externalise


make external or objective, or give reality to; "language externalizes our thoughts"

See also: exteriorize exteriorise externalise objectify