Extensor in a sentence as a noun

Pecks are largely not involved - it's all flexors not extensors.

There’s no way it's strong enough to work on knots in big muscles like quads, but for those little extensor muscles?

By moving some of the wear from mousing to the extensors, the idea is to better spread out the wear and tear.

Make sure to do a few pushups and extensor exercises to stay balanced, since climbing doesn't naturally do that.

Depends how strict you're trying to be...Yes, the extensor indicis and pollicis longus muscles are "part of the forearm" but most people would consider those "wrists".

> We next exploited cortical signals to decode the temporal structure of extensor and flexor hotspot activation.

Measurements included motor unit number, size and activation and voluntary strength of the elbow flexors and knee extensors.

Forgive my ignorance: I get that it uses the extensors instead of the flexors, and it doesn't go through the carpal tunnel, but wouldn't you just eventually get RSI in another part of your wrist then?

Results showed that participants with less disability, less pain intensity, and higher performance on the Biering-Sørensen test, which tests the endurance of hip and back extensor muscles, at baseline benefit from deadlift training.

Thus, for strength and conditioning professionals who use the deadlift as a rehabilitative exercise for individuals with mechanical low back pain, it is important to ensure that clients have sufficient back extensor strength and endurance and a sufficiently low pain intensity level to benefit from training involving the deadlift exercise.

Extensor definitions


a skeletal muscle whose contraction extends or stretches a body part