Exercising in a sentence as a noun

Things like TV, reading, and exercising are good when I'm in a low mental energy state.

This means that it's easy to punish people prior to a trial for exercising their rights.

Reminds me, I should write my own story of how I made $190 on the App Store while exercising 15 years of coding experience.

The old habits - working too much, exercising too little, and eating out a little too often - still rear their head.

He probably was merely exercising, just like a musician practices scales.

> Nerd outrage hyperbole much?How is that even close to a valid response to someone that's exercising critical thinking?

The vast majority of the time, service providers don't bother exercising the rights they've reserved to themselves.

After watching tv for a week I would make a profound realization about my health and starting eating right and exercising regularly.

We are now on the cusp of being a police state, but I really hope people won't let that dissuade them from exercising their civic duty to engage the democratic process.

Knowing that they could have such a capability is not the same thing as knowing that they are actively exercising it, laid out in helpfully blunt Powerpoint.

The value of options is inextricably linked to tax and you need to understand the tax basics in evaluating the economic risks and benefits of holding and exercising any kind of option.

I find myself increasingly annoyed by the tone of people who have discovered that the Great Secret of Life is having kids/getting up at 5AM/exercising for hours every day/eating nothing but meat and vegetables, and if you don't do that you're a pathetic specimen who will never amount to anything.

Exercising definitions


the activity of exerting your muscles in various ways to keep fit; "the doctor recommended regular exercise"; "he did some exercising"; "the physical exertion required by his work kept him fit"

See also: exercise workout