Exemplification in a sentence as a noun

Art is often an exemplification of these withdrawal symptoms.

This is almost the literal exemplification of the classic "if 1 woman takes 9 months to give birth to a baby, 9 women will do it in a month".

There is very little exemplification of what problems are solved or comparison to other ways to solve the problem.

Bravo to Stripe's continued leadership and exemplification of what a modern corporation can and should be.

But honestly: how was I to know that "hey yer Github sucks" was actually an exemplification of what the next sentence in your post said not to do, and not just an ordinary internet insult?Nota bene: I actually agree with you.

He feels righteous because he can be allies with someone who left his major ownership to work under a different company in which he has less-major ownership?This is the exemplification he is choosing for his earlier quote, "and that the relationship doesn't have to end when the worker leaves?

Exemplification definitions


showing by example

See also: illustration


a representational or typifying form or model

See also: typification