Eudaemonia in a sentence as a noun

Just as a ****** builds dams, an act of eudaemonia.

A work of a harvest,accurately because of your hard writing, we can feel so much eudaemonia, learn more our own understanding of their.

I wonder if this is partially why donating money to charities is a good long-run happiness/eudaemonia tool.

I would not be surprised if a similar phenomena occurs on the level of hedonism/eudaemonia--the pursuit of one may also mix with some of the incentives and pleasures of the pursuit of the other.

".I think it's a legitimately thorny conceptual problem because if you think of health as something like "flourishing" or "people having success in living the way they want" or "eudaemonia" or something, almost every public policy question can be conceived of as a "health" question.

Eudaemonia definitions


a contented state of being happy and healthy and prosperous; "the town was finally on the upbeat after our recent troubles"

See also: wellbeing well-being welfare upbeat eudaimonia