Espousal in a sentence as a noun

I think this book is generally good, but I am not a fan of their espousal of class based views.

What concerned me about the article is the author's espousal of some sort of universal test.

The espousal of unit testing vs other types of tests as "the one true way" actually impeded my adoption of testing in general as I couldn't wrap my head around how to approach it without suffering a huge productivity hit. I thought it was just me "not getting it" but I sense the pendulum is beginning to reverse direction.

The paper gives examples of how "political activities or affiliations" described in the law are broadly defined, and cites an influential court ruling from 1979:“[P]olitical activities,” the California Supreme Court has stated, “cannot be narrowly confined to partisan activity,” but instead cover any activities involving the “espousal of a candidate or a cause,” including participating in broad social movements such as the gay rights movement.

Espousal definitions


archaic terms for a wedding or wedding feast

See also: bridal


the act of becoming betrothed or engaged

See also: betrothal


the act of accepting with approval; favorable reception; "its adoption by society"; "the proposal found wide acceptance"

See also: adoption acceptance acceptation