Hyaline in a sentence as a noun

You can break all the bones you want and eventually they will heal, but damaged hyaline cartilage will not.

This is what makes the structure "readable" as a series of bands alternatively opaque and hyaline.

Hyaline in a sentence as an adjective

The stem cells have actually been shown to differentiate into hyaline cartilage.

Mine's in the knee and I have microfracture to "fix" it but I think if the paper is correct then it does mean hyaline naturally regrows because there is no fibrous cartilage in those joints so this result should only apply to hyaline, no?

Hyaline definitions


a glassy translucent substance that occurs in hyaline cartilage or in certain skin conditions

See also: hyalin


resembling glass in transparency or translucency; "the morning is as clear as diamond or as hyaline"-Sacheverell Sitwell

See also: hyaloid