Especially in a sentence as an adverb

Is the ssh client really happy that it can make a TCP connection to the intarwebs, especially for me? What does this sentence mean to someone that wants to ssh from their phone?

Is it not your job to make sure the playing field is level, especially at a school where there is such a high pressure to do well as a result of a strict grading curve policy? I guess you dont believe so.

I told the headhunter that, especially because this was a public company, in my view the job would have to report either directly to the board, or to the CEO with a dotted line to the board; I explained why. The headhunter said he thought that would be a problem but would check.

That is going to be tough to maintain - especially with welding heat distortion. I would image the tubes will be joined with automated friction stir welding or something similiar, but that will still require a fair amount of post weld machining which has its own pitfalls.

It's never worth accommodating the easily offended, especially on the Internet.

Jews were especially problematic for Christianity. Here you have the predecessor religion co-existing.

Learn that lesson fast, or you'll be sorely disappointed in all your future projects, especially when you're just the guy-in-charge-of-negotiating-rates-for-business-cards... uh, I mean CEO.

The story because it is about the death of a person that could easily be a role model for a large number of young children, but females especially in third world - and other - countries. Those writing from their comfy first world lives that feel the need to point out how 'privileged' this girl was and belittle her achievements have to stop and think - excellent advice from elsewhere in this thread - before they continue to write.

The public acknowledges, accepts, and approves of prison experiences as not merely pragmatic methods of keeping some folks separate from public society, and especially not as rehabilitory, but as retributive, vengeful, and arbitrary. These are the basest and most despicable sentiments when it comes to issues of criminal justice, but they rule the day in the 21st century as much as they ever did in the middle ages or even in the stone age.

Especially definitions


to a distinctly greater extent or degree than is common; "he was particularly fussy about spelling"; "a particularly gruesome attack"; "under peculiarly tragic circumstances"; "an especially (or specially) cautious approach to the danger"

See also: particularly peculiarly specially


in a special manner; "a specially arranged dinner"

See also: specially