Escaped in a sentence as an adjective

" name="fragment"> then Google will request the page with the "_escaped_fragment_" query param.

Using escape_once is a problem because it shows that you have no clue what strings in your codebase are escaped and what are not.

He took a group of women from his village and escaped with his life, leaving behind his now-dead family.

It is highly improbable that it was put there by escaped lunatics who were for some reason loose in the street.

Then surrogate errors can be escaped and might result in encoding garbage same as in python 2.

We could have hired a private militia and escaped to safety for 5% of what we paid the state department.

I saved a hard drive with some very important stuff on it exactly the same way. I had ham fisted the power connector in backwards and the sacred smoke had escaped.

If the data was generated for testing and escaped accidentally, why not say that?

If there was an emergency at three AM -- livestock escaped, water main broken, building on fire -- they got out of bed and dealt with it without delay.

You reduce our collective existence to atomic miseries, as if you've escaped most of them by your own virtue rather than through a series of accidents.

Unescaped strings and html strings should be two completely separate types that can't be cast to each other, except by using transforming functions that clearly define intent.

You think a universally distributed backdoor in either that had escaped detection until 2012 wouldn't be relevant to national security?

Escaped definitions


having escaped, especially from confinement; "a convict still at large"; "searching for two escaped prisoners"; "dogs loose on the streets"; "criminals on the loose in the neighborhood"

See also: loose