Erect in a sentence as a verb

The best the gov't can do, in my opinion, is reduce the barriers to entry that it itself erects.

Their ability to erect barriers to entry is weak, unless they are getting help from the gov't.

My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed.

>an officer wrote that Eckert’s posture was “erect and he kept his legs together.”I think maybe the cop in question needs a basic anatomy lesson.

Erect in a sentence as an adjective

Not only did it cost the builders money to demolish and erect the new building, but also to buy out the old owners and give them part of the new property for free.

>in which I make the rather obvious point that all the scaffolding you have to erect in statically typed languagesYou mean "in which I pose the rather obvious strawman".

From the article:"After surreptitiously tracking the intruders to study their movements and help erect better defenses to block them, The Times and computer security experts have expelled the attackers and kept them from breaking back in.

Erect definitions


construct, build, or erect; "Raise a barn"

See also: raise rear


cause to rise up

See also: rear


upright in position or posture; "an erect stature"; "erect flower stalks"; "for a dog, an erect tail indicates aggression"; "a column still vertical amid the ruins"; "he sat bolt upright"

See also: vertical upright


of sexual organs; stiff and rigid

See also: tumid