Environment in a sentence as a noun

May she find a powerful new outlet for those talents as she moves forward, even in a difficult environment.

If the lack of a reasonable debugging environment costs me even 5% of my productivity, that is too much, because games take so much work to make.

It oxidizes easily, and it's oxides are heavy and non-soluble, so when it is released to the environment, it just tends to fall down and stay there.

[3] After I left, and after my team was literally decimated by the hostile environment created by our boss, I found out he got promoted!

What's better than Excel?In a corporate environment, often the best way to get things done is to circumvent the official software and just write something that works.

If Smalltalkers really believe their environment is the right way to code, their attitude should not be one of "we did this first, meh" but instead be "here's what we did right, here's what we did wrong.

And why should this be relevant to board service?Politics, religion, and social worldviews divide people and have no place as limiting tests in a business environment.

If they don't, they're driven out of business, because stores know consumers prefer something to be a nickel cheaper even if it's bad for the environment, the truckers, and other nearby drivers.

If you put yourself into an environment where you are constantly challenged and are working at the top threshold of your ability, then after a few years have gone by, your skills will have increased tremendously.

In the same way, I wouldn't expect a technical article reporting measurements of carbon flow in the environment to be published in a political science journal, even though climate change might have profound implications for global politics.

If they feel bad for the environment they chose to work in and the work they chose to do, maybe they should look in the mirror and ask if they ought to reconsider their choices and do something that doesn't draw shame and contempt from the rest of the world while undermining their county's interests.

Their job models didn't do anything different, but their models were all men -- so they couldn't figure out what happened and what got them rejected...but the truth is they were simply playing by different rules and weren't able to navigate the environment well enough to figure out what those rules were.

When he says, "Bacteria, like any living organism, want to survive," and "So anything that we do to try and **** bacteria, or anything the environment does to try and **** bacteria, bacteria will eventually discover ways or find ways around those" he is making factual statements that are plainly incorrect on their face.

Now, if youre not from the USA, I can already hear you objecting that its impractical to drive a small fleet of ocean-going vessels on suburban streets, or that its wasteful to retain a staff of thousands just to make the daily commute, or that its not all that great, environment-wise, to knock over city blocks every time I make a Starbucks run.

Environment definitions


the totality of surrounding conditions; "he longed for the comfortable environment of his living room"


the area in which something exists or lives; "the country--the flat agricultural surround"

See also: environs surroundings surround