Entwine in a sentence as a verb

If you're making a tapestry, you need to have multiple threads entwined and stay cool.

The evil of money entwined with politics cannot stand.

Enlarging the API may be easier and more convenient, but it entwines code into spaghetti and is bad for your code base.

Actually there is. You can entwine a pair of transactions such that if the bitcoins are claimed by the seller, the corresponding namecoins can be claimed by the buyer.

Implicate has a negative connotation in common usage, and for that reason probably isn't the best choice, but it really just means "entwine.

If the content of the story can have land with the impact it could/should then it serves to entwine Hersh's legacy for getting the story other don't and getting the stories that matter.

I was forced to make it complex, you did it because you’re not trying hard enough!As Rich Hickey’s dictionary reminds us, to complect is to entwine together things better left separate.

Warning: Cynical poster alert.\nModern economics is inextricably entwined with politics.

Is 'merit' necessarily unrelated to 'privilege'?Much of our talent and ability is not something we are born with; a meritocracy based on innate ability would be a mess- it would practically boil down to ranking everyone based on their IQ. Instead, a meritocracy is typically going to be based on current ability, and isn't 'privilege' deeply entwined with your ability?It's not pretty or P-C, but it's not exactly confusing to me that someone with more opportunities for schooling performs better in an environment labeled 'meritocratic'.

Entwine definitions


tie or link together

See also: knit


spin,wind, or twist together; "intertwine the ribbons"; "Twine the threads into a rope"; "intertwined hearts"

See also: intertwine twine enlace interlace lace