Entryway in a sentence as a noun

Both cabin roof and the panel above entryway are not mounted rigidly, but free to move upwards.

Do you think this is security driven or put out as an entryway into greater interaction with your phone?

Again, the last time I saw something on the same scale of disturbance on campus, it was 5 cops, a couple of arrests, and a "disperse and go home" on loop on the PA. During the riot response, I was standing in the entryway with my boss, the club owner.

Effectively every time I enter an Apple Store I get accosted by no less than three employees, not to mention the "concierge" that guards the entryway to the store.

Like I said before, it is half-baked and probably too buggy for normal use right now, but eventually I hope it serves as a good entryway for Clojure and Java programming.

Both the sender and receiver are taking actions with consideration of one single point -- how does this affect my Google search ranking?If Google weren't the literal default entryway into the Internet, your argument would be valid.

My friend just rented a brand new place in Shibuya for 95000 a month, with beautiful interior, entryway, super-modern shower/bath, gas range, ample space for a proper washing machine, and the main living space is separated from everything else by a heavy door.

Entryway definitions


something that provides access (to get in or get out); "they waited at the entrance to the garden"; "beggars waited just outside the entryway to the cathedral"

See also: entrance entranceway entry entree