Entranceway in a sentence as a noun

I've been to plenty of malls with entranceways that are lined with long, blank, feature-free walls.

Frank Lloyd Wright used low ceilings in entranceways so that the house would “open up” as you walked into it.

One day I was exploring Malibu and found one of these small narrow entranceways.

I actually had to pass it over the wall that surrounded the entrance, not over the entranceway itself.

The 'swastika' one is interesting to me-with the curved entranceways they look kind of like funnels.

It kind of goes back to the saying, "I don't care what people do in the comfort of their own home," except the entranceway, stairwells and halls of an apartment building are the shared property of all residents.

Still, the experiments should put to rest the argument about whether mice in the lab are running on wheels because they live in cages—they'll do it anywhere they find oneandThey also put the wheel inside an enclosure with a small entranceway to keep large animals from knocking the wheel on its side

Entranceway definitions


something that provides access (to get in or get out); "they waited at the entrance to the garden"; "beggars waited just outside the entryway to the cathedral"

See also: entrance entryway entry entree