Entirety in a sentence as a noun

I respect your choice to throw the entirety of your life at your primary craft - so respect our choice not to.

While the speech is copyrighted, that might not be the reason most people haven't read or seen the entirety of the speech.

To put things in perspective the entirety of my tuition bills for my undergraduate studies in engineering was $15.

Almost the entirety of the cost of an orbital launch is in manufacturing and operational costs.

I should then be able to place either the entirety of my purchase or parts of my purchase in separate accounts that provide different benefits.

It did not limit itself to copying select portions for some discrete educational purpose but copied every work in its entirety.

"It seems possible to paraphrase the entirety of this press release: "We recognize a lot of people hate us, but hey, we've got a lot of other people paying us who aren't you, so we can't be that wrong, can we?

It seems to me that keeping the entirety of the code necessary to compile a project in a local build directory is a very good idea if you don't want to compile against moving targets.

It was just kind of a let-down after such a long buildup, and then they started to wonder why they invested the entirety of their twenties into it and question whether that's really what they wanted their life to be.

Tablets, and in my opinion, the entirety of what we today call "mobile," should be subservient to a general computing model of personal omnipresent applications [1].

Entirety definitions


the state of being total and complete; "he read the article in its entirety"; "appalled by the totality of the destruction"

See also: entireness integrality totality