Enlightened in a sentence as a noun

And I'm sure this simple project has enlightened thousands of other web designers as well.

Intel make their money on CPUs, of course they want to tweak the OS...Basically I don't think that enlightened self-interest is a bad thing.

*** isn't just another interchangeable "enlightened" state - they're all specific in their sets of effects.

I did not downvote your post, but frankly I'm angry that you just assume everyone who is pro-2nd amendment just isn't as enlightened as you are.

They'll post one-liner attack comments and call that "enlightened discourse", then call someone else's similar comment a "troll".

Your post is unsupported by evidence, and seems to be just lazily taking the middle road in an attempted to appear enlightened.

Enlightened in a sentence as an adjective

How about just reading about their lives and seeing what makes sense for you to copy for your life?As one Zen teacher puts it: "there are no enlightened beings, only enlightened actions".

As someone who genuinely detests consumerism, I can't tolerate that whole "I'm rich and enlightened so I've given up stuff" braggadocio.

Having completed the ritual, mutually acknowledging each others enlightened sense of worldliness, you return to reading the Huffington Post and checking Twitter.

It would take extensive use of brainwashing and belief in fairy tales about an enlightened government, a city on hill exceptional-ism or what-have-you to think these don't happen.

Taking care of an infant is tiring, stressful, boring, and thankless--and no matter how enlightened the husband is and how willing he is to help out, because of the baby's hard-wired inclinations the buck will always stop with the wife.

Nobel peace prize winning, poverty alleviating, enlightened, woman emancipating microfinance.

Enlightened definitions


people who have been introduced to the mysteries of some field or activity; "it is very familiar to the initiate"

See also: initiate


having knowledge and spiritual insight


characterized by full comprehension of the problem involved; "an educated guess"; "an enlightened electorate"

See also: educated