Educated in a sentence as an adjective

' It's far better to make an educated guess based on what?

You don't like what other late 20s upper-class educated males like?

Yes, addiction ends up that way for some, but by and large addicts are middle-class, educated, and live in houses with their friends or families.

A professional, educated guy will marry the receptionist if she's funny and hot.

"- Humility combined with hunger:"Luckily I'm not educated," he tells students.

But a professional, educated woman will rarely marry the maintenance guy.

But when I hear people talk about how "evolution" commands we shall eat no grains I get really worried about how quickly educated people can turn science into magic.

I am well educated, make a lot of charitable contributions and spend a lot of time volunteering in the local community.

We now have an unprecedented number of ridiculously talented, over-educated people saying, "Dude, where's my machine learning job?

As many others have mentioned, if this is a public school, it's quite unlikely that this teacher is college educated as a programmer, let alone has ever been a professional developer.

Nearly every ******** job requires a BS degree, they employer just want to make the company staff looks "better educated"These "hot" majors are not really teaching any knowledge, but an easy way to grab a degree, so the students can gain their entry to various job titles.

Educated definitions


possessing an education (especially having more than average knowledge)


characterized by full comprehension of the problem involved; "an educated guess"; "an enlightened electorate"

See also: enlightened