Ending in a sentence as a noun

Having someone Google for it and tell me is like someone telling me the ending of a movie.

First, I think a blog post ending with "bring on the flames" should have comments enabled, otherwise it's not really fair.

I was waiting for that to be the happy ending of the story, but surprisingly he just named it after his own daughter.

Their counter-parts, born into well-off families, on the other hand, have a great shot at ending up at the upper end of the income spectrum.

The global musical monoculture is ending and a diverse, global party is replacing it.

Everybody's pissed that Google canceled a product that they liked, and that's what's driving this never-ending criticism.

" I view my recovery as a never-ending process; even though I haven't touched the substances themselves in ages, I'm still dealing with the consequences.

Setting up some ideal of perfection, no matter how well-intended, and then mucking around with the way societal interaction works in some effort to improve on things is heading down a very dark path that has a very unhappy ending.

The top comments tend to be half-assed efforts usually ending in a joke or even a reddit in-joke because the guy who posts something silly immediately will dominate while the guy still working on his story and posts after an hour of writing ends up being comment 78 and no one scrolls that far down to read.

After hiring a firm out of the midwest to manage the construction on a fixed-fee contract, it proceeded to make life miserable for that firm by making never-ending revisions to the project plans throughout the course of construction and this not only caused that firm to incur cost overruns but also had the effect of causing substantial delays in getting the work done.

Ending definitions


the end of a word (a suffix or inflectional ending or final morpheme); "I don't like words that have -ism as an ending"

See also: termination


the act of ending something; "the termination of the agreement"

See also: termination conclusion


the point in time at which something ends; "the end of the year"; "the ending of warranty period"


event whose occurrence ends something; "his death marked the ending of an era"; "when these final episodes are broadcast it will be the finish of the show"

See also: conclusion finish


the last section of a communication; "in conclusion I want to say..."

See also: conclusion close closing