Encephalitis in a sentence as a noun

Even the examples they pick for the article are kind of lame- it wasn't St. louis encephalitis, it was west nile!

To make things worse, in some seasons mosquitos will be carrying some awful diseases like encephalitis so you'll need to wear long sleeves at night.

They do, however, vaccinate for Japanese encephalitis, whereas the US does not -- guess why.

He just doesn't think that have one in a thousand children die of encephalitis is too high a price to pay for the "benefits of naturally acquired immunity".

The fact that measles can progress to an invariably-fatal form of encephalitis makes for a valid public service announcement.

Getting a virus to cross the blood-brain barrier and widely and precisely transfect neurons without killing the victim from encephalitis is extremely challenging.

The reason doctors don't treat it, is because you're safer to have latent toxoplasmosis than none at all, not only can it lead to miscarriages in women, but the chance of encephalitis increases with decreased immune function.

Encephalitis definitions


inflammation of the brain usually caused by a virus; symptoms include headache and neck pain and drowsiness and nausea and fever (`phrenitis' is no longer in scientific use)

See also: cephalitis phrenitis