Encase in a sentence as a verb

Currently all waste is stored at the power plants and the only current plan is to encase the waste in concrete.

I don't know the people there and it doesn't get all that much traffic but I check it daily just encase someone has left me a message.

Easy, just encase every resident in three inches of plastic?

The balls also have a tendency to encase small molecules within them, and then delivering those encased substances directly into the human cell.

Since that's impossible unless you control every aspect of the system and encase it in self-destructing epoxy, the system is mostly pointless.

I also "drooled over the 4" for quite awhile waiting but when I got the 4S I found it didn't take me long to recall Edward Tufte's words:"the elegant sharp edges that encase many touchscreens require users to desensitize their hands in order to ignore the physical discomfort produced by the aggressive edges.

Encase definitions


enclose in, or as if in, a case; "my feet were encased in mud"

See also: incase case