Empty-headed in a sentence as an adjective

In the US, I came to my flat every day empty-headed, drank chamomile tea and went to sleep.

I don't wanna read your posts no more, you empty-headed animal food-trough wiper!

It wasn't the idea that criminals didn't have guns, it was that every empty-headed fool didn't have one.

Are articles that pull cheap punches & empty-headed loudmouths on Twitter a good metric for what's actually popular, though?

Maybe you are too picky and elitist, I can't say, but I've also hung around genuinely empty-headed party types, and it is a little soul destroying.

Is tracking orange-faced empty-headed narcissists an essential military strategy now?

I love meta talk and pushing boundaries when it comes to thinking through problems in a unique way, and I even love a good thought-provoking slice-of-life or political story, but this stuff is just empty-headed garbage designed to waste time.

You can become envious when you see empty-headed smooth-talkers making millions of dollars for doing absolutely nothing, or you can see it objectively as an imbecilic but utterly comical incineration of resources.

If you don't like the message then fine, it's a little saccharine for my taste, but it doesn't make Apple a 'soulless' company, it doesn't make Apple customers empty-headed morons suffering from "stockholm syndrome", and snarking at it does not elevate you above those people who do believe in the message.

"“It’s paradoxical that the more we live in concentrated populations in big cities, the more people are living alone ... Social isolation is a global problem"Not paradoxical at all, considering the rash of entire old neighborhoods being torn down, to be replaced with exercise shoppes and bubble-tea shoppes and rectilinearly-architected enclaves of mere empty-headed dormitude.

Empty-headed definitions


lacking seriousness; given to frivolity; "a dizzy blonde"; "light-headed teenagers"; "silly giggles"

See also: airheaded dizzy featherbrained giddy light-headed lightheaded silly