Emission in a sentence as a noun

It's not like they're in dire need of a stock emission.

Plus there's still the greenhouse gas emission and transport problem.

It needs too much infrastructure for emission and tracking.

Note that the change in momentum is doubled for reflection vs emission or absorption.

My car drives along quite efficiently without relying on any emission of mass.

"The speed at which it's occurring and it's correlation with man-made CO2 emission levels.

This means it's going to be great at measuring the precise energy of incoming X-rays, which is essential for studying emission lines like this.

Catalytic converters and electronic emission controls returned LA's atmosphere to health.

So apparently the TSA says: "Each full body scan produces less than 10 microrem of emission, the equivalent to the exposure each person receives in about 2 minutes of airplane flight at altitude.

The vast majority, ~$67m, came from California's zero-emission program.

In the UK you cannot have unpermitted gatherings on your own property where the music being played "includes sounds wholly or predominantly characterised by the emission of a succession of repetitive beats.

There's star formation, bubbles of relativistic plasma bubbles generated by the central black hole, presumably heating the surrounding gas and preventing catastrophic cooling, sound waves generated by the inflation of the bubbles, a giant nebula producing emission lines.

Emission definitions


the act of emitting; causing to flow forth

See also: emanation


a substance that is emitted or released

See also: discharge


the release of electrons from parent atoms


any of several bodily processes by which substances go out of the body; "the discharge of pus"

See also: discharge expelling


the occurrence of a flow of water (as from a pipe)