Emanation in a sentence as a noun

So the logos/jesus lives in all of us."Son of God"=emanation of the One.

But from there, the emanations, the logos built everything else.

A loud belch or other powerful, resounding emanation signals manliness... and it was funny when you were 7, it's still a bit funny now.

Emacs is eternal, an emanation of the Tao; if it were to somehow disappear, somehow some way we would re-make it from scratch.

But yes, this is getting to "penumbric emanation"-level of arguing, though I think that the limited nature of your time is something that should be pointed out.

The counter intuitive answer is yes:an energy emanation from the magnet known as the potential does indeed affect the electrons' wave function.

The Logos, according to jewish-hellenistic philosophy, was the eternal emanation of the One.

I think this is more an emanation of a vintage geekish culture than some "bro culture".I guess I'm just very tired of people always getting on their high horse when something might be offensive to somebody.

TypeScript, Flow, Python's mypy, and similar solutions are a mainstream-ish emanation of these ideas - it them took some 15 years to materialize and a few more to appear on the "working programmer" radar.

He has such a mouth, he has such arm- pits: it is necessary that such an emanation must come from such things: but the man has reason, it will be said, and he is able, if he takes pains, to discover wherein he offends; I wish thee well of thy discovery.

If you violate the GPL and redistribute the software anyhow, that simply means that you are redistributing software without the consent of the owner, which is a very direct copyright violation, not a strange penumbric emanation or anything.

He speaks not as an individual but as an emanation, the present voice, of the generations whose blood flows in him and who held the long knife in lifetimes before him, just as he speaks of Masahisa as if he were the same Masahisa who wrought the first samurai sword, in the days of dark mist.

Emanation definitions


something that is emitted or radiated (as a gas or an odor or a light, etc.)


the act of emitting; causing to flow forth

See also: emission


(theology) the origination of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost; "the emanation of the Holy Spirit"; "the rising of the Holy Ghost"; "the doctrine of the procession of the Holy Spirit from the Father and the Son"

See also: rise procession