Elongated in a sentence as an adjective

It was a chintzy elongated white plastic cat, with an IR window across the mouth.

That is a lot harder to do than to take an elongated coil and return it to a compressed memory state.

It's an ellipse, but it is so elongated that it is extremely close to a parabola.

I'm curious to see how the new iPhone is if it follows in the steps of the rumors and has an elongated screen.

I wondered the same thing but according to the article, the eggs are pea-sized which suggests they are not elongated.

There's no reason that it could be a more elongated piece of plastic with a notch cut out that cradles the edge of the iPad in that spot.

I hope no one has patented a more elongated rectangle, otherwise Apple could be in hot water.

> First came the arbitration hearing, where Inge’s lawyer and the landlord’s lawyers tried to strike a deal to avoid any type of elongated legal dispute.

"The long s survives in elongated form, and with an italic-style curled descender, as the integral symbol ∫ used in calculus.

I once had an unfortunate encounter with a toilet where someone had installed an elongated seat on a non-elongated bowl.

In order for your proposal to work, you would have to take an elongated memory coil, and then physically deform it into a compressed coil to get the contracted state.

I've tried about 8 different ways to modelling that and so far all of them have the planet being ripped apart as soon as its orbit is elongated by the traversing between the two pairs of binaries.

Monopolizing a public thoroughfare for the duration it takes one elongated vehicle to pass another with a 3MPH delta should be illegal enough to result in a fine when it impedes the free flow of traffic IMO.

It's not a purpose-build walkway, it's a disused railway converted into what I'd rather describe as an extreme elongated park than anything particularly optimised for pedestrian traffic.

Elongated definitions


drawn out or made longer spatially; "Picasso's elongated Don Quixote"; "lengthened skirts are fashionable this year"; "the extended airport runways can accommodate larger planes"; "a prolonged black line across the page"

See also: extended lengthened prolonged


having notably more length than width; being long and slender; "an elongate tail tapering to a point"; "the old man's gaunt and elongated frame"

See also: elongate