Educate in a sentence as a verb

For example, if you do hire people to work in your house, make sure that you encourage them to educate their children ?

When dealing with people in that situation one could either educate them and bring them along, or steam roll over them.

Despite its title it isn't an textbook, but a manifesto, and as such Hazlitt's goal isn't to educate you, but to convert you.

This article is a not so subtle jab at this and trying to educate consumers that their poor video experience isn't Google's fault.

But very early enough I developed deep contempt for many of our teachers and chose to educate myself on my own.

To be fair, the patent was filed by a five year old whose patent-attorney father was trying to educate on how the patent process works.

This is to be expected when you have ignorant people reporting on things that they are not willing to educate themselves about.

However, those few hours here and there could really educate you in ways you will find difficult to realize in a strictly academic environment.

"Workers relying on such low wages and unstable employment are not likely to be able to educate their children enough to escape increasingly high rates of unemployment.

Instead of trying to educate each individual customer about all the intricacies of the report they just added a dialog box that would display for ~10 seconds and step through a few fake progress messages.

"Our higher education system largely fails to educate... It’s nothing less than a deep institutional, cultural, societal and indeed humanitarian crisis."Really?

Can you really blame them for trying to do this - when it works?As developers, you need to educate your fellow developers about how much they're worth, strategize ways to extract maximum value from companies you work for, and instill a sense of confidence in one another.

Educate definitions


give an education to; "We must educate our youngsters better"


create by training and teaching; "The old master is training world-class violinists"; "we develop the leaders for the future"

See also: train develop prepare


teach or refine to be discriminative in taste or judgment; "Cultivate your musical taste"; "Train your tastebuds"; "She is well schooled in poetry"

See also: school train cultivate civilize civilise