Civilize in a sentence as a verb

I hear this concern, but I'm not quite sure what the government can even do to "civilize".

They want to civilize the internet the way Europe civilized the rest of the world...

It's so easy to civilize by teaching cowardice.

It will always be, we try to "civilize" it via rules that are always broken as soon as things become dire.

Those, the middle classes will tithe to, provided it goes to "schools and infrastructure" to civilize them up.

That doesn't make it a wild west that needs to be civilized either - there's nothing to civilize in the absence of copyright.

Downranking is a powerful form of social censorship that helps civilize the worse traits in human nature.

We sweep those collateral casualties under the rug the same way the "barbaric" people we purport to be attempting to "civilize" do. I worry about us and our future.

The man travels back in time, and proceeds to use his technical knowledge to enrich himself, and civilize the medieval society.

I hate the impulse to "civilize" or "sterilize" the web as well, and I'm especially concerned when politicians start with that sort of talk.

True that there is superficially no downside to beating each other up in minecraft, but may as well try to civilize them a bit as if we're in real life.

Would that have been a long enough time scale for an intelligent species to emerge, civilize, and develop a way to traverse the 500 light years between us and them?

> I'm not quite sure what the government can even do to "civilize"Nothing that would make anything better, and everything that would mean they have more powers.

To rely solely on law or on bureaucracy to keep people acting in a civilized fashion is to discard thousands of years of social/moral wisdom.

It might be that they are not a false flag operation but the Government is going to take advantage of the media attention to "civilize Internet".

For a nation that made its business to civilize more than half the world at one time, she shows some forbiddingly contradicting understandings on these matters.

As a US citizen, I care infinitely more about fixing these problems before trying to contact and civilize the inhabitants of some remote island.

Civilize definitions


teach or refine to be discriminative in taste or judgment; "Cultivate your musical taste"; "Train your tastebuds"; "She is well schooled in poetry"

See also: educate school train cultivate civilise


raise from a barbaric to a civilized state; "The wild child found wandering in the forest was gradually civilized"

See also: civilise