Economize in a sentence as a verb

But if it's "Free," then people will not economize.

How much can people economize on food and water during that time by simply eating less?

How much can people economize by eating cheaper foods that provide nutrition but might not taste as good as what they normally eat?

Also, looking at how companies provide free software, and economize on the service packages is a good way.

With a paid system, people are forced to economize--do I really need to pay to take the bus in winter 5 blocks to buy groceries, or can I walk?

Businesses have a little more pressure to economize, and that's the biggest practical difference.

If the price of bottled water goes up during a natural disaster, that's telling you, the consumer, that water is scarce and you should economize.

We need an accretive process to economize material.

Now, of course, I presume they found ways to economize and automate but it's still rather impressive that they could hold the product price down over that timeframe.

The social layer further diminishes editorial control, in that people can further economize their quotient of attention by finding and trusting informal social groups that reduce the megaphone effect enjoyed by the analog press even further.

The sink has multiple functions in addition to washing cutlery, plates, etc. Sometime quite large things are washed in the sink, however when typical dish-washing is being done, a smaller bowl in placed in the sink to economize on hot water as well as to bring about the other advantages that OP claims for a curved sink.

Economize definitions


use cautiously and frugally; "I try to economize my spare time"; "conserve your energy for the ascent to the summit"

See also: conserve husband economise


spend sparingly, avoid the waste of; "This move will save money"; "The less fortunate will have to economize now"

See also: save economise