Echoic in a sentence as an adjective

It casts the thoughts in a mould, so to speak, and puts it on the examination table of our echoic memory with a capacity of about 5-20 seconds.

Maybe it was both?The brain had 4 seconds of echoic memory that it was already pattern matching against; For various "reasons" in the environment.

> My favorite thing about sound memory is echoic memory[1], a very specific type of memory that is basically like a buffer or a cache.

It's cool to find that echoic memory has a name - the number of times it has saved my bacon in class when I'm not paying attention and the teacher asks me what they just said to call me out....

Echoic definitions


(of words) formed in imitation of a natural sound; "onomatopoeic words are imitative of noises"; "it was independently developed in more than one place as an onomatopoetic term"- Harry Hoijer

See also: imitative onomatopoeic onomatopoeical onomatopoetic


like or characteristic of an echo

See also: echolike