Easygoing in a sentence as an adjective

* If you've found Apple employees to be unthreatening, helpful, laid back, and easygoing, that's because Apple trained its team to do that.

I became a little bit disillusioned after I noticed that the first thing that 90% of of its members write about themselves is how openminded and easygoing and creative they are.

Being an easygoing, fun person facilitates that dramatically.

Easygoing definitions


not hurried or forced; "an easy walk around the block"; "at a leisurely (or easygoing) pace"

See also: easy leisurely


not burdensome or demanding; borne or done easily and without hardship; "what a cushy job!"; "the easygoing life of a parttime consultant"; "a soft job"

See also: cushy soft


relaxed and informal in attitude or standards; "an easygoing teacher who allowed extra time for assignments"