Dyad in a sentence as a noun

Or is there a nice way to apply a dyad to two Ruby arrays?

Could the exact same arguments be made about a nuclear dyad or quad?

Are dyads only done by putting the other operand in the string of J code?

A verb with a noun to its right is a dyad if there is also a noun to its left, and is otherwise a monad.

In fact since the Pythagoreans [1] where the monad comes first and after the dyad and after the numbers and so on.

‘Myriad of’ isn’t incorrect, the word myriad began as a noun, just like dyad or triad.

So, I think one can say this was a "chord" by the general definition of "three or more notes from a key played simultaneously".And, musicians do frequently refer to dyads as chords, as long as the third is there.

According to the article, the dyad sizes here would be huge; but my hypothesis was that point-to-point communication is often not necessary in military organizations due to the rigid structure.

Certainly Taibbi and Greenwald could be the first "dyad" to collaborate within this alternative media universe, so that might give us a clue of what organizing principles this new world may operate under, with these new incentives.

Dyad definitions


two items of the same kind