Dwelling in a sentence as a noun

The ban applies whether the hosts own or rent, paying guests visit frequently or once a year, or hosts rent out a room or an entire dwelling.

I'd written C, and that felt like being a badass basement-dwelling hacker, flipping bits by night and making out with Angelina Jolie by day.

As a tenant, especially a tenant in an illegal or undocumented dwelling, you have to expect that a day of reckoning will come.

For now, I am not dwelling on the sadness but I am trying to leave my wife and children with as few worries as possible and with as many happy memories as possible.

Are these just the mythical basement dwelling trolls of Slashdot lore reaching out privately via email?Most of the engineers I know in tech are decent, upstanding guys.

Genetically speaking, these guys aren't too far removed from land-dwelling arthropods, roaches included.

For example, years ago I lived in a house in the same town with 4 other guys, but it turned out the maximum number on non-related people allowed in a "single family" dwelling there was 3.

How was property owner supposed to respond when told he must get rid of the illegal dwelling, but also told he can't evict the tenant?I mostly sympathize with the property owner here.

An entire generation of slum-dwelling children have their own bathrooms, kitchens, and access to unlimited knowledge, technology, and medicine.

[2]Though the kitchen is the most common location for a fire in dwellings, kitchen fires are among the least likely to be fatal because cooking usually is attended and occurs during waking hours.

Why assume a stereotypical cave-dwelling nerd because he is interested on different programming languges?

I can think of a much longer list of ways we could detect and combat crime if policemen had a key and legal protection to enter any citizen's dwelling any time day or night for any reason whatsoever.

The author might want to try a sinusoidal interpolation so that velocity reaches zero at the key frames and the whole thing thus spends more time dwelling on the legible parts of the animation and looks smoother.

Are we to start boycotting every company that employs one of those 7 million people?I'm glad it was made right in the end and I hope at least some of those 7 million people have changed their opinion... but I don't think we need to keep dwelling on it.

The ban applies whether the hosts own or rent, paying guests visit frequently or once a year, or hosts rent out a room or an entire dwelling.... though I'm not sure what the penalty is in that case, as you're not going to get evicted from your own home.

In this paragraph, 'dwelling' means any building, structure, or portion thereof which is occupied as, or designed or intended for occupancy as, a residence by one or more individuals," could reasonably be construed as a privacy protection.

In Dwarf Fortress terms this means I built a powered pump system to extract magma from the earth and water from a nearby river and used the water and magma to cast obsidian for a stone tower which I then hollowed out with rooms and storage areas as a dwelling place for my dwarves.

Moreover, the text of the proposed bill, "A person is guilty of a class A misdemeanor if such person knowingly creates or assists in creating an image of the exterior of any residential dwelling in this state where such image is created by or with the assistance of a satellite, drone, or any device that is not supported by the ground.

Dwelling definitions


housing that someone is living in; "he built a modest dwelling near the pond"; "they raise money to provide homes for the homeless"

See also: home domicile abode habitation