Drug-addicted in a sentence as an adjective

A drug-addicted thug with a lead pipe would probably not even get the cost into four figures.

Rather than celebrate taking steps to overcome a disease, they're just another drug-addicted loser who 'needs help.

So are you saying that "drug-addicted homeless person" is doublespeak whereas "shambling crackhead zombie" is neutral language?

> If you want a name, say "drug-addicted homeless person".Fair enough.> If I called you a zombie for just blindly going along with the crackhead term that the author used, you would be offended, right?Nope, I really wouldn't.

The tone is alienating and disrespectful, so much so that the valid criticisms of XML as a technology are completely buried by the arrogance and off-topic political and social commentary: "the current American presidency and XML have much in common", "XML is the drug-addicted gang member who had committed his first ****** before he had sex, which was rape.

Drug-addicted definitions


addicted to a drug

See also: dependent dependant hooked strung-out