Drown in a sentence as a verb

Otherwise, we'll continue to drown in this type of stuff.

Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice.

We simply want to drown out office white noise, and wearing just one ear doesn't work for that.

You may perceive that people will listen to you less because monied interests will drown out your voice.

I used to teach scuba, and people would occasionally freak out and grab me as if they were trying to drown me.

" and Nancy would come back in a day later with the number it would take to drown you in salmon and iced cocoa.

And in some ways it should be. But it does mean that government projects drown in red tape and politics and procedures up the wazoo.

That can't be rationalized in anywaywhat did they expect, him to drown someone?

Beware: it is very dangerous to attempt to rescue a full-grown person who is drowning.

Enough to completely drown out tech and startup news, and in the grand scheme of things, often much more important than, say, Scala vs Clojure.

A person who is drowning has temporarily lost their mind and will happily drown their would-be rescuer in an attempt to stay above the water.

All his mails will just drown in a corporate maze of diffused responsibility and mis-communication.

Seriously, America is going to drown in shoulder-patting and hooray cheering.

"He could swallow a marble", well yes, he could bash his brother's head in with the corner of an iPad, get hit by a meteorite, run in to a wall, drown himself in the toilet, etc..

The split between the rich and the poor is up dramatically, as workers drown, good jobs disappear and the rich shift capital to avoid the devaluation of the dollar.

Large companies with in-house legal staff can drown a startup by requiring them to fork out enormous quantities of money for legal representation in their self-defense.

The people who think they're too smart or too cool for the basic data structures questions are just going to drown, so if they bomb the basic data structures questions, the interviewer justs moves on and pretends that was where the question ended.

Drown definitions


cover completely or make imperceptible; "I was drowned in work"; "The noise drowned out her speech"

See also: submerge overwhelm


get rid of as if by submerging; "She drowned her trouble in alcohol"


die from being submerged in water, getting water into the lungs, and asphyxiating; "The child drowned in the lake"


kill by submerging in water; "He drowned the kittens"


be covered with or submerged in a liquid; "the meat was swimming in a fatty gravy"

See also: swim