Draftee in a sentence as a noun

The problem, of course, is that a lot of these guys quickly get a draftee mindset.

Having a volunteer force means the soldiers have to treated better and paid more than a draftee.

>most of those problems were self-inflictedSure, it's the fault of the 18 year old draftee getting shelled in a trench for 4 straight days.

Recently I was looking at some maps with a civil draftee, and I asked him what all the red dots were all over the map.

We're not talking about some involuntary draftee here, as if he had top secret clearance foisted on him when he wasn't looking.

These wars have been a waste of lives and money but things would have been much worse if there were millions of draftees serving in the middle east and Afghanistan.

The "Shut the **** up and do what you're told" model works for a draftee military, but it's complete garbage for a professional military.

But in the design sector I'm in now, it's a bit quiet at the moment and has been for a few years, and that means there are a lot of experienced draftee's out there without work - left overs from the boom times.

The military well remembers what damage even a single disgruntled draftee can do in the modern highly-technical military.

McNamarra's Morons suffered massively-higher casualty rates than "normal" draftee infantry, for example.

Draftee definitions


someone who is drafted into military service

See also: conscript inductee