Dovish in a sentence as an adjective

And what has changed from 20-30 years ago is not that the Fed is extra dovish.

They are in the middle of a dovish cycle and also in crisis with Brexit.

Don't forget "Rates went up, but the central bank struck a dovish tone so bonds rallied".

They fired journalists who reported dovish news, too.

And incoming econ team that could be most dovish in us history.

Late 2018 does not look anything like late 2008 - you may think that the Fed should be a bit more dovish still, but they're muddling through.

However, we know that the current Fed is looking at the curve, and has become much more dovish since the inversion.

[1]Yet, sanctions are considered to be "soft" and "dovish" by politicos and the general public.

And I think he gets some credit for keeping us alive when the Democrats turned dovish after one of their's was no longer in the Oval Office.

It talks about "dovish", but really perhaps the fed isn't being dovish at all and is just desperately trying to maintain its 2% price inflation rates.

The election of a new dovish South Korean president a year ago would seem to be even more significant than any change in US policy.

By an overwhelming margin - almost 10 to 1 - my audiences believe that college-educated persons were more dovish.

If anything, it's the opposite since there's a known conservative bias in military and law enforcement - dovish liberalism threatens their values and their power.

Dovish definitions


opposed to war

See also: pacifistic