Doughy in a sentence as an adjective

Try that weird doughy thing, it might be tasty.

Have you ever seen how potters cut lumps of doughy clay?

Compared to NY pizza, "soft and doughy" is what most pizzas in Naples and Rome are.

I've found that a suit disguises my doughy physique better than anything short of a winter coat.

He's that doughy, slightly nerdy guy who transformed himself into a hard assed cutthroat.

Did you explicitly ask them about doughy hands?In all fairness, the old Mac vs PC ads have left a permanent image in my mind.

Is the only better world we can imagine one that resembles the doughy people in Wall-E, floating in their hover chairs with every need attended to?

"> But the basic illegality of Sand Hill was covered in thick doughy layers of other, stranger illegality.

Some of it is that he's from a different generation and he hasn't been in the same world as them, some of it is the sterotype that he is a nerdy, doughy, Linux guru.

Isolated quotation:"We see our pasty, doughy, sickly selves in the mirror and somehow just deny the obviousness of the truth.

In effect: high-protein causes gluten formation, which is necessary for a proper "doughy" bread like Baguette, but is counter-productive for southern-style biscuits.

> Una Pizza Napoletana extremely soft and doughyThis is just hilarious.

He's that doughy, slightly nerdy guy who transformed himself into a hard assed cutthroatExcept Bezos provided an extremely logical explanation for that.

Also, your spun-off WRT/UWP apps are universally buggier than their old COM/.NET predecessors, and even when they are technically more featureful, they have a doughy, empty-calories-laden vibe that leaves them feeling less responsive.

Doughy definitions


having the consistency of dough because of insufficient leavening or improper cooking; "the cake fell; it's a doughy mess"

See also: soggy