Dork in a sentence as a noun

"When did a dork like you get so tasteful?

There used to be a time where you'd look like a dork for carrying a cell phone, too.

Your friends don't need to see your comment saying your dad looks like a dork in that sweater.

"I'm just a big dork", bloody ****, someone please shoot me the day I start saying things like that.

I bet you're super nervous about meeting me, but please don't be -- I'm just a big dork.

You'd look like a complete dork trying to take photos with a tablet anyway.

******* cold cut delivery app making loser dorks.

> a ******* loser dork with inconsequential ideas and a dumb life.>Sam Biddle of the Gawker site ValleyWag

Who would have thunk that of all the end-of-2014 smartwatches, the one that would make you look the least like a dork would be the one from Motorola?Shame about the battery life, though.

Probably worse than that, even if it was fun to play games with, it probably wouldn't catch on mainstream for a long time because the dork factor is incredibly high.

> You'd look like a complete dork trying to take photos with a tablet anyway"The best camera is the one you have with you" as we say, looking like a dork is irrelevant.

> the one that would make you look the least like a dork would be the one from Motorola?The band connection to the very bottom is really too bad, it makes the watch look extremely thick.

" It emphatically identifies you as an unimaginative dork and a boring pedant.

As I got inside the building I moved the Glass back up to my head but I realised the reason I took it off was because I didn’t want to be rude.> I was not embarrassed or worried she would think I was a dork.

* Because I have better name recognition on HN and also an unasked-for but not unappreciated status as HN resident security dork, my comment shot up to the top of the thread.

Here's how it ends:"So, the next time you see someone taking up a seat at a coffee shop to work on a cold cut delivery app at 2 pm, resist the urge to slur—instead of "techie," just call them a ******* loser dork with inconsequential ideas and a dumb life.

Dork definitions


a dull stupid fatuous person

See also: jerk