Dollar in a sentence as a noun

A Swiss franc is currently worth a little bit more than a dollar, so this works out to $2800/month or $33600/year.

A dollar T-Bill is as good as a dollar green bill, both are backed by the full faith and credit of the USG.

50% of zero is zero, 50% of a billion dollar company is $500M worth.

We can convert the thing to hundred dollar bills, and put it next to the statue of liberty!

However - unlike with the dollar - the countries that created this debt do not have the power to create Euros.

I love, love, love Bioshock Infinite, but if the $100 million dollar budget games are a dinosaur on its way out, I won't mourn it too much.

"Hachette failed to come to mutually agreeable terms with their largest retail partner by dollar and unit volume.

The supplement and meal replacement powder/drink industry is a multi-billion dollar market.

I need a strong, material answer from Google on this question long before a few dollar bills become the important matter of distinction.~~~I'm sorry if I come off as scaremongering.

This press release seems more about announcing and explaining Tesla's intentions rather than acting as a binding agreement for a multibillion-dollar megacorp.

I think we should care more about women earning 77 cents on the dollar and having an unfairly hard time recovering their career progress after maternity than about an occasional dongle joke.

Once it's free you can't really go back to 'old-fashioned'.So once they've folded up, you've bought their Aeron chairs at 5 cents on the dollar and you're re-connecting with your old customers and picking up the pieces you have a fairly clear field.

"I'm just a smart guy with a fresh pair of eyes who spent a few weekends reading undergrad textbooks and skimming pubmed".Not: "we're a large company with deeply-interested professionals who've made this their life's work, our own multi-million dollar labs and decades of accumulated experience in the development, testing, validation and manufacture of temporary food substitutes".

Dollar definitions


the basic monetary unit in many countries; equal to 100 cents


a piece of paper money worth one dollar

See also: buck clam


a United States coin worth one dollar; "the dollar coin has never been popular in the United States"


a symbol of commercialism or greed; "he worships the almighty dollar"; "the dollar sign means little to him"