Divisive in a sentence as an adjective

* I don't like the divisiveness of the subject.

Please keep divisive gender-based comments out of this forum unless you have some very hard data to back this up.

There are frequent posters here who have said they are Republicans, and given their statements on religion, maybe they're even in favor of $a_very_divisive_issue.

" This rug strikes me as being not at all divisive - not even subtextually, not even under an extremely charitable reading of the argument.

This force-glorifying, hostile, divisive, and stakes-raising imagery is being used to portray and shape the role of police in America.

Politics are just as divisive and ill-informed as ever, and the division is live-Tweeted, live-blogged, and live-streamed.

The Compromise of 1850 leaves zero room to suggest that slavery was not an inherently and fundamentally divisive issue for which the Congress was trying to find any peaceful, political way possible to resolve it while mitigating growing tensions.

Divisive definitions


dissenting (especially dissenting with the majority opinion)

See also: dissentious factious