Distinctly in a sentence as an adverb

And yeah, even if my problems are worse, they're still distinctly First World.

" Also, I distinctly remember how I shivered and my hands shook.

High labor costs are distinctly not a problem in poor societies.

But that only makes it '****' inasmuch as about 90% of Apple's services are '****' and places it distinctly outside the way Jobs defined '****'.

I distinctly remember wikipedia articles on it, but am not able to retrieve them.

I wasn't tripping at the time, but I was in a distinctly "trippy" mentality - so much so that I was having a mini-flashback by the end of the turn.

I distinctly remember being told that I "wasn't what they were looking for" and that they "wanted the classes to be as beneficial to all attendees as possible.

In some cases ScienceDaily's copy is distinctly worse than the original because it lacks relevant links, enlightening pictures, etc." .

It's the distinctly non-imminent premeditation that makes the difference.

But deflation is also distinctly bad for another reason: once it kicks in, there is no incentive for net creditors/savers to engage in any real production of anything.

What about the London tube/bus ******* bombings: those were domestic terrorism and elicited a distinctly different response than we're seeing in Norway now. Or is it only domestic terrorism when the perpetrators are white one wonders!

Is collusion more commonly accepted in some Asian cultures?I distinctly remember my grad school classes, where even by getting 95% I'd be dead last in the class rankings because all the Chinese/Indian students would get 98/99/100% on their assignments.

There is something distinctly disgusting about Zynga suing somebody for using a phrase "[someting] with friends", that they feel they own - when the whole company is basically built on stealing ideas of other companies and adding "oh-look-wow-facebook-spam" to them.

It's not about supplanting browser features for the sake of establishing a site-wide or web-wide standard.---It's about making the user feel like things that are out of their view and control are working properly.---When I look back on my childhood experiences with computers in the 80s and 90s I distinctly remember my litmus test for "is it frozen" was "can I hear those clicky noises from the hard drive".Those noises told me nothing directly actionable nor did they accurately describe what had been done or what was left to be done.

Distinctly definitions


clear to the mind; with distinct mental discernment; "it's distinctly possible"; "I could clearly see myself in his situation"

See also: clearly


in a distinct and distinguishable manner; "the subtleties of this distinctly British occasion"


to a distinct degree; "urbanization in Spain is distinctly correlated with a fall in reproductive rate"