Dissimilar in a sentence as an adjective

It's really not as conceptually dissimilar from a language as we'd like to think.

Not too dissimilar from the BBB, which is a total scam/protection racket... You have an "F" rating...

I don't think the two are so markedly dissimilar. At least, besides Snowden being very astute and mature vs.

As usually when you paint with broad strokes you cover some dissimilar surfaces. But at the core the employment market is about supply and demand.

Things like this are neat because they remind folks that tech titans, billionaires, celebrities, and the like are, at the end of the day, people too -- not that dissimilar from everyone else. It's so easy to forget that.

Not dissimilar from the two guys at PyCon. I make every attempt to keep these jokes private between my friends and I, but I'm sure others have heard me make them. Some people might find them funny, others may be offended.

But the pressure of working to make the next interest payment isn't so dissimilar from slaving to your next fund-raise. Note the difference between capital and money, assets and liabilities, stuff and claims.

Maybe I should have been more clairvoyant, but in the end what drives people to finance and what drives people to tech isn't all that dissimilar - the unique cultures change like to unlike from there.

Not too dissimilar from what your native code emitting C compiler does. If you look at the machine code for something as "stupid" as the Haskell example below, the output object code does not resemble the semantics of the source program at all.

A high rating here would mean the phenotype would have a bias against being combined with dissimilar creatures. This allows the propensity towards speciation to develop evolutionarily, too.

Child pornography is dissimilar to copyright piracy. Child pornography is in a legal category unto itself, at least according to United States case law.

The sad thing here being that application platforms and frameworks are not all that dissimilar; today, selecting something with higher performance in the application tier is relatively low-friction from a learning and effort perspective. But it's often not done.

It took me years of asking, but I finally found the right person, who told me that the 48V-below-ground negative meant that dissimilar metal corrosion is drastically reduced in telco "outside plant".

What we should have done instead is allowed the two to diverge long ago and especially after 2007 when mobile computing took off and that change in screen size afforded us the opportunity to return to screens not all that dissimilar from those I remember using in '94. The first iPhone had a effective resolution of 320×480.

You are comparing two entirely dissimilar things. Also, how exactly is the American national security state 'weakened and vulnerable'?

I don't have an academic opinion on how similar or dissimilar we should expect the statements to be when ten people try to say the same thing in response to the same accusation. But that is just my point: if you want to persuade me of something so preposterous as that all of these people are following a script, you're going to have to do more than wave your hands and say, "Look, there are similarities."

This article makes the fundamental mistake almost all other articles of its topic do: it assumes that software development is a monolithic entity, when it is instead a collection of extremely dissimilar camps. Part of this is the fault of government - in almost all statistics the $200K systems architect at Google is rolled into the same column as the $45K coder pounding out VB6 apps for the company intranet.

In other words, the author provides no counter-examples that demonstrate that the algorithm can detect dissimilar images, such as a photo of a car and a clipart of pizza. I would expect that to have very low similarity, and given the algorithm's demonstrated ability to discern between similar and dissimilar images, I would be more convinced of perceptual image hashing as a viable technique.

Dissimilar definitions


not similar; "a group of very dissimilar people"; "a pump not dissimilar to those once found on every farm"; "their understanding of the world is not so dissimilar from our own"; "took different (or dissimilar) approaches to the problem"


not alike or similar; "as unalike as two people could be"

See also: unalike


marked by dissimilarity; "for twins they are very unlike"; "people are profoundly different"

See also: unlike different