Disposition in a sentence as a noun

At a point, a final disposition is better than the "right" disposition.

To some extent, you must admit that people are slaves to their biological disposition.

To add, it's commendable that he tracked down the bug himself, at least I think so. Many people would throw their hands up in the air and walk away with a sour disposition, but props to this guy for working it out to the end.

I've only met a few people who are of that particular disposition, and I personally consider them odd.

It would shift my disposition in a positive direction, which would definitely impact the interview.

There are evaluations for aptitude and there are evaluations for disposition.

The student later complained, and it cost Van Ness her job"Perhaps the employee needs to stop taking yoga classes as their disposition isn't compatible.

I can only attribute their patronizing disposition to a lack of genuine awareness of the broader programming world.

The first employee will not have a seat at the table -- literally or figuratively -- when the eventual disposition of the first employee's equity is decided.

Under the Federal Records Act of 1950, all federal agencies are required to obtain advance approval from the national Archives for any proposed record disposition plans.

This article says a lot about Apple's current disposition:"Its not actually clear what Apple was thinking this time around the iFone trademark was filed in Mexico in 2003, a full four years before Apple filed to trademark the iPhone.

As expected, subjects highest in Numeracy a measure of the ability and disposition to make use of quantitative information did substantially better than less numerate ones when the data were presented as results from a study of a new skin-rash treatment.

The disorders and miseries, which result, gradually incline the minds of men to seek security and repose in the absolute power of an individual; and sooner or later the chief of some prevailing faction, more able or more fortunate than his competitors, turns this disposition to the purposes of his own elevation, on the ruins of Public Liberty.

They need not be destroyed[1] : Goods that are seized and forfeited as bearing a mark\n that is a counterfeit of a registered trademark, piratical\n of a registered copyright or imported in violation of\n distribution rights agreements are routinely destroyed,\n unless the owner of the trademark/copyright gives\n permission for other disposition, such as charitable\n donations.\n\nFluke seems like they might be cool with that.

Disposition definitions


your usual mood; "he has a happy disposition"

See also: temperament


the act or means of getting rid of something

See also: disposal


an attitude of mind especially one that favors one alternative over others; "he had an inclination to give up too easily"; "a tendency to be too strict"

See also: inclination tendency


a natural or acquired habit or characteristic tendency in a person or thing; "a swelling with a disposition to rupture"