Disinfectant in a sentence as a noun

It also makes you wonder if we should add a disinfectant to the deicing sprays for aircraft.

It may sound incredulous to argue against it when weight against disinfectants benefits.

It's not a matter of staying away from dirty surfaces, or of wiping everything down with disinfectant.

We're not talking about washing your hands with disinfectant every time you open a door, we're talking about car accidents here.

Disinfectant in a sentence as an adjective

What should have mattered was the clear causality linking disinfectant hand washing and a reduced rate of labor mortality.

Sunlight is the best disinfectant[0]Your second paragraph is so lacking in cynicism I can barely parse it. Three[1] people have received the Nobel Peace Prize for not being George W. Bush, and you think "peace" can be an apolitical concept?

I think you're thinking of antiseptics or disinfectants, not antibiotics.

Maybe even both?It's been said that sunlight is the best disinfectant: I know that I'd be completely unaware of this behaviour if some of the women involved weren't brave enough to speak out about it.

Disinfectant definitions


an agent (as heat or radiation or a chemical) that destroys microorganisms that might carry disease

See also: germicide antimicrobic antimicrobial


preventing infection by inhibiting the growth or action of microorganisms

See also: bactericidal germicidal